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A Return to Amateur Photographer

A Return to Amateur Photographer

I take great joy and pride in writing for magazines and I still consider it a huge accolade to write for notable titles. Sadly, any publications have fallen by the wayside, but there are still a few left who are flying the flag for photography.

Amateur Photography are a superb magazine in our modern age, simply because of the content has a lot of variety, from classic to cutting edge. The only weekly on the market, the diverse nature of the magazine makes it a joy to write for and these last few months have a seen somewhat of a return to editorial.

Although most photographers spend literally all their time consuming content online, there is a lot of power left in the magazine, away from tablets and phones. Regardless, having a choice of both PDF and paper is also a great way of reading content with less environmental impact.

Almost twenty years ago, when I started writing for magazines, I had some images in Amateur Photographer’s readers section which I placed on a shelf. Next I placed a single copy of Digital Photographer on top of that and said to my wife, when this pile reaches the shelf above, I know I am really onto something. That took me just over a year and a half, as I marketed myself to the large editorial market.

Being in print still gives me a real buzz, so I am delighted to see I can still maintain editorial for a few titles every month.

I also have a monthly column in Photo Plus magazine,writing about the many funny things that have happened to me whilst photographing.